Technical Statement
The wooden sculptures are to be viewed hanging on the wall like paintings or sitting on pedestals like sculptures. The work is created using the wood available in modern lumberyards. Some of the pieces are carved by hand such as The Book with the Letter. Other pieces are made by patiently cutting/gluing and recutting/regluing, sometimes up to hundreds of small blocks of wood on the table saw. For example in the Blank Page I used blocks of Ebony as thin as a few pieces of human hair to create the lines. Thin blocks of Maple were used to create the representation of empty space. I carefully select and utilize different types of wood based on their natural colors, textures and patterns for different effects. For example in the Music Page I used the wood grain pattern from Quilted Maple, Tiger Maple and Wenge, to create fields of vibrations to activate the unique character of the wood’s inner nature. In this way the careful choice of wood is used to amplify the sculpture’s content of its embedded potential.